Teacher Day Plan Template

I've been using the same day plan template for the past few years, a MS Word file that was shared with me by another teacher.  Although it works just fine, it's not very "pretty".  For the past month or so, I've been on a mission to find something better.  I even resorted to spending $1.99 to purchase something online. It still didn't meet my needs.  So, I spent way too much time fiddling with tables in MS Word trying to come up with something.  The end result just didn't satisfy me.  Then, I had the brilliant (to me) idea of using Keynote and exporting the file as a PDF.  I found it way easier to manipulate shapes and text boxes with Keynote!

I wanted to share it as an editable Keynote file, in case anyone else wanted to use it, but unfortunately Scribd will not upload .key files. Here it is as a PDF (with lots of info removed so that hopefully it will be useful to someone):

Please leave me a comment to let me know if you downloaded my file!


  1. This is such an easy page to follow and adapt. Thanks for sharing!

  2. How do you adapt it??

  3. Sorry, it's a PDF, so you will have to use it as-is.

  4. Nicole, you mentioned that you used keynote to create it...which template in keynote did you use? Its really great and I would love to personalize it.

  5. I used a blank white slide in Keynote and added shapes and text boxes.

  6. Thank you so very much!!!

  7. great idea!Love the site! Although i am struggling to find one for parents and organisation in the home!:-)

  8. Fabulous idea definitely I'll follow it because it is quite easy way to plan a day.

  9. Wow - thank you so much for sharing! I am a student teacher and this will be really helpful for an assignment I'm doing. Ill be sure to mention that I got it from your blog (which is great - btw)! Thanks again.

  10. Hi! Great layout, just wondering what kind of fonts you used for this? They are super cute :)


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