A couple of years ago, my third grade students were responsible for hosting a school-wide Remembrance Day Assembly. Of course, when I say my students were responsible for the assembly, what that really means is that my teaching partners and I did all of the planning. Now that I've done it once, it wouldn't be all that daunting to have to do it again.
Here are some ideas for hosting your own Remembrance Day assembly:
Display a slide
show of “Peace is…” drawings on the screen as everyone is being seated.
enters quietly and sits down.
Student: “Please
rise for the national anthem.”
O' Canada
Student: “You
may be seated.”
Choose one of the following songs to be sung by a group of students:
We Love this Country
We Remember
Amazing Grace
Grant us Peace
Go now in Peace
We sing for the Children
A Song of Peace
Student: “In
1914, 100 years ago a huge war started.
This war was called the First World War.
Lots of people were hurt or killed in the war. “
Student: “A
young Canadian solider named John McCrae wrote a poem. He wrote the poem
because he saw bright red poppies growing in the fields where the poppies had
Student: “He
called his poem, “In Flanders Fields”.
People all over the world really liked the poem and started wearing
poppies as a way to remember the people who had fought in the war.”
In Flanders Fields
Recited by a group of students
Student: “The
First World War ended on November 11th, 1918. It was 11 in the
morning on the 11th day of the 11th month. The war had lasted over four years."
Student: “The
11th of November every year is now called Remembrance Day. After the
war, people started making paper poppies to sell to help those who fought in
the war."
Student: “On
Remembrance Day people wear a poppy and at 11am, they stop what they are doing
for a minute of silence. They do this so they can think about all of the people
who fought in the war. These people are
called veterans.”
A Pittance of Time (video)
Student: “The last post and reveille were two of a
number of bugle calls in military tradition which marked the phases of the day.
Student: “Reveille
was played to signal the start of a soldier’s day and Last Post meant the day
was over. “
Student: “These
two calls are used at Remembrance Day Ceremonies to say a final farewell to the
soldiers, so they can rest in peace.”
Student: “Now,
the Last Post will be played, followed by a moment of silence, followed by the
Moment of silence
Wreath procession
We wear a poppy
Remembrance Day,
And at eleven
We stand
and pray.
Wreaths are put
Upon a
As we remember
soldiers brave.”
Student: “We
would like to invite each class to lay their wreath.”
Highway of Heroes (video)
(audio playing during procession)
Little Poppy
Little poppy
Given to me,
Help me keep Canada
Safe and free.
I'll wear a little poppy,
As red as red can be,
To show that I remember
Those who fought for me.
Poppy we are but children
We are too little to do
it all.
Children you may do your
Love each other is how
you start.
Play without fighting.
Share your games and
Be kind and thoughtful,
To all girls and boys.
Student: “We
would like to invite all of you to help close our ceremony by singing a song
with us.”
Closing remarks and dismissal
Don't forget to click on the blog buttons below to see more Remembrance Day ideas from fellow Canadian teachers!