When I worked as a Teacher-Librarian, Deborah Ellis's The Breadwinner was one of those books I couldn't seem to keep on the shelves for long. Imagine my delight to learn it's been made into an animated film, opening in theatres on December 1.
I am even more excited to announce that two lucky blog readers will win passes to see The Breadwinner! These passes are admit two, and are valid at any Cineplex in Canada where the film is playing. Read to the bottom to find out how to win!
If you're not yet familiar with The Breadwinner, it's the story of a young girl's journey as she gives up everything to provide for her family and reunite with her father. The Breadwinner is a timely and inspiring tale about the transcendent power of stories, and their potential to unite and heal us all.
If you're planning to use The Breadwinner for lit circles or as a read aloud this school year, the film would make a great culminating activity. Did you know there's a a free study guide available? It's a great way to get students talking and sharing stories of their own!
Speaking about talking and sharing stories, there's another contest I want to share with you today. The "Share Your Stories" contest is run through the film's website. Students are encouraged to share their stories that aim to spark conversations about women's and girls empowerment.
Enter below for a chance to win a pass for two to see The Breadwinner! Winners will be announced on my Facebook fan page when the contest closes on November 19.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Breadwinner is such an amazing story! I currently teach grade 5 and am reading aloud Fish in A Tree. My favourite read aloud is The Phantom Tollbooth!