Mrs. Turnstall at Turnstall's Teaching Tidbits is having a Linky Party about the Top 10 Reasons You Know it is Back to School Time.
Here is my "Top 10":
10. I spend more time scouring dollar stores than I do in the sun.
9. Buying classroom stuff is an addiction that I should learn to hide from my loved ones.
8. My classroom doesn't look all that different when I leave than it did when I got there. But, I can point out the differences, even if no one else can.
7. I *heart* making lists and checking things off as I complete them.
6. I spend all evening blog-stalking to get new ideas for my classroom.
5. I'm on my second cartridge of ink, my second ream of paper, and my third package of laminating sheets.
4. New fonts and graphics make me giddy.
3. When I say I'll leave school by 3, I'll probably lose track of time and stay until the janitors kick me out.
2. I don't go to bed until it's almost time for the bf to wake up for work.
1. When I do sleep, I have nightmares dream about things I still need to organize.
1. No, I'm not done setting up my room (and I won't be until my students arrive).
What are your top ten reasons? Link Up!
Thanks for linking up! :)